
Did you Know?

  • The Carrot is usually Orange in colour, but there are also Purple, Red, Black, Yellow and White varieties that exist!
  • The actual plant of a carrot can grow up to 1 metre long!
  • The carrot is in the top 10 of most economically important global vegetable crops!
  • The part of the carrot we eat is called the tap root!
  • According to tradition, Santa’s reindeer eat 360 different types of plant but they don’t eat carrots!

“Carrots keep you healthy and help you see in blackout”  British second world war slogan.



Jokes about carrots

Q. Why is a carrot orange and pointy?

A. Because if it was green and round it would be a pea!

Q. What did the carrot say to the vibrator?

A. “Why are you shaking? It’s me she’s gonna eat!”

Q. What’s a vegetables favourite martial art?

A. Carrotee!

Q. What did the Rabbit say to the carrot?

A.”It’s been nice gnawing you”

Q. What did the carrot priest say at church?

A.”Lettuce pray”

I hope you liked this post!!!                             🙂 :


2 thoughts on “Carrots

  1. Best blog post ever written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Best best blog post ever written !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Best best best blog post ever written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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