Classy Cuisine…

Before you start reading, I would like to inform you that this is my 44th Blog Post on Food, Glorious Food!!     Now you may read…

Have you ever been to a really POSH Restaurant? I haven’t! I wouldn’t like it anyway!! I’m a really fussy eater!!!

If you did go, the only thing you would have is….this. It is a little bit disappointing, I know. I would prefer to order Pizza from Pizza Express!!!!

Classy Cuisine Pics

This actually looks really nice!!!
What is this, anyway!!!!
(I don’t think they are amused with the fact that they have to pay a ton of money for the strangest food)!!
A well known posh cuisine is Caviar, also known as fish eggs…yuck.

Plus you have to wear things like this…



I still don’t want to go to a posh restaurant.

Thanks for reading!!!

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