Nice Nuts..even though I really don’t like them!!


Do you like nuts? I don’t. They are very…..nutty. 😦  Lots of people are allergic to nuts. I am not. It is a dreadful disappointment.

Nice Nut Facts…

Nuts are Available:

Traditionally nuts were only available in autumn time. (Just think of the squirrels gathering nuts in autumn time and storing up for the winter) Now they are available year round.

How Do Nuts Grow:

Peanuts grow on a plant that flowers on top but the peanuts actually grow under ground.
Walnuts, pecans, chestnuts, almonds and other nuts all grow on trees just like the pictures below.

picture of walnut in green husk growing on the walnut tree

What to Look for When Buying Nuts:

You can buy nuts already packaged throughout the year. If you are buying nuts in their shells look for shells with no cracks or holes. They should have no rattling noise if shaken.

Nut Storage Tips:

Store nuts in a cool, dry place or in the freezer for longer storage.

How to Cook with Nuts:

Nuts are used as toppings. They are great in breads, toppings, cakes, casserole dishes and they are a great snack. They are available to us year round thanks to the conveniences of today but autumn time is their true peak season.

Nut Nutrition Facts:

Nuts are high in protein and fiber.

Did you know that a nut is a fruit?!?!?!   WOW!!

Mixed Nuts


2 Squirrel  Jokes..because squirrels eat nuts!!

Q. Why can’t you be friends with a squirrel?

A. Because they drive everyone nuts!!!

Q. Why was the squirrel late for work?

A. Because the traffic was NUTS!!!

2 Nut pics…

Have you ever watched Ice Age? Who is your favorite character? I love the squirrel who goes through many unbelievable mini adventures. For a Nut.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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