Fun Food Facts

Have you ever wondered the deepest, darkest secrets of food? The things that only the  shop workers know? Well, by reading this post, you shall learn lots of secrets about the foods you love…

What about Fast Food?!?

What about food facts that will creep you out?!?

Fun Food Facts…

  • Nutritious can cost up to 10 times more than junk food!!!
  • Almost half of the world’s food is thrown away every year!!!
  • Carrots were originally purple!!
  • Honey is the only food that will never rot!!
  • Scientists can turn peanut butter into diamonds!!
  • Dynamite is made with peanuts!!
  • Eskimos use their fridge to stop their food from freezing!!
  • The Jars of Nutella sold in a year could cover e Great Wall of China 8 times!!!
  • In Korea, Octopuses are eaten alive!!
  • Since 2015, throwing away food is illegal in Seattle.
  • 31 million American skip breakfast every day!

Fun Food Joke…

Q: What did Bacon say to Tomato?

A: Lettuce get together!

Thanks for reading!!





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