Super Salt!!

Are you a fan of salt? I am!!! I love salt with chips, fries, pizza, fish, chicken, ketchup e.c.t. I basically love salt. With everything.

Super Salt Facts…

Maldon Salt Crystals

  • Roman Soldiers were sometimes paid with salt.
  • Every cell in the body contains salt.
  • In old Japanese theaters, salt was sprinkled on to the stage before each performance to prevent evil spirits from casting a spell on the actors. Sprinkling salt around your home may have the same effect today.
  • Salt removes red wine stains!

Super Salt Joke….

Q.  Why do sharks swim in salt water?

A. Because Pepper water makes them sneeze!

Super Salt Pics….

How many different types of salt containers are there?

Thanks for reading the 64th Post on Food, Glorious Food!!

Now,to end the show, some magic!!!





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