Wow Watermelon!!!

I love Watermelon. That is all!!

Watermelon Facts…Wow!!

    • Wild watermelons originated in southern Africa.

    • The watermelon can be classed as both a fruit and a vegetable.

    • It is a fruit because it grows from a seed, has a sweet refreshing flavor, and is loosely considered a type of melon (although it is actually a type of berry called a pepo).

    • It is a vegetable because it is a member of the same family as the cucumber,pumpkin and squash. It is also harvested and cleared from fields like other vine growing vegetables.

    • The watermelon is the official state vegetable of Oklahoma.

    • By weight, a watermelon contains about 6% sugar and 92% water.

    • The high water and electrolyte content of watermelons make them ideal as a refreshing summer thrust quenchers. They keeps us hydrated, our skin fresh, and can clean the kidneys of toxins.

    • Nutritionally, watermelons contain high levels of vitamin B6 (which increases brainpower), vitamin A (good for eye sight), potassium (which helps in curing heart disease and keeping the heart healthy). The watermelon also contains Vitamin B1, C and manganese which protect against infections.

    • China is easily the world’s largest producer of watermelons with 69,139,643 tonnes produced in 2011 compared with just 3,864,489 tonnes from the second highest producer, Turkey.

    • All parts of a watermelon can be eaten, even the rind, which actually contains a number of nutrients too, but due to the unappealing flavor is rarely eaten. In China though, the rind is used as a vegetable and stir-fried, stewed or pickled.

    • There are more than 1200 varieties of watermelon that come in various weights, shapes, sizes and red, orange, yellow or white in color.

(I am very glad that I eat watermelon!!!)

Go Me!!!

🙂  🙂  🙂

Watermelon Jokes

Q: When do you go at red and stop at green?

A: When you’re eating a watermelon.

Q: Why do watermelons have fancy weddings?

A: Because they cantaloupe.

Q: Whats the difference between a watermelon and a slut?

A: The watermelon isn’t as messy when you eat it!

Q: What do you call fruit that commits egregious crimes?

A: a waterfelon.

Q: What do you have left after a pig eats a watermelon?

A: Pork rinds

Watermelon Pics


Thanks For Readin’!!!

(I used Slang)!!!

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