Brilliant Bacon!!!

I like Bacon. Do you like bacon? I am a year 6, so I have SATS coming up, and I am having breakfast a school for  SATS week. And for most of my breakfasts, I am having a Bacon Bap. Yummy!!

Brilliant Bacon Facts

  • Bacon has become one of the most popular foods in the entire world!!
  • The 3rd of September is officially International Bacon Day!!
  • Bacon is like smoking. It doesn’t kill you (like smoking, most of the time) but is is extremely addictive!! (for some people, anyway)
  • Each year in the U.S, 1.7 billion lbs are consumed in food service.
  • Bacon can cure a hangover.
  • Bacon and eggs are eaten together 71% of the time!!
  • Bacon appeals to males slightly more than females!!

2 Brilliant Bacon Jokes

Q: Whats green and smells like bacon?

A: Kermit the Frog’s finger!

Q: Why did the pig go into the kitchen?

A: He felt like bacon.

Some Brilliant Bacon Pictures

I hope you enjoyed reading this! Come back next time to read Crazy Coconuts….

One thought on “Brilliant Bacon!!!

  1. Bacon isn’t addictive to me; I don’t like it! Do you? I always love your jokes and those facts are cool! Keep blogging 🙂


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