Cool Coconuts!!!!

Have you ever had a coconut? I have. I love winning them at the fair as well. But I am not a very big fan of the milk inside, because I don’t like milk on its’ own..

Cool Coconut Fact

  • Not only can you eat a coconut, you can build a house with it as well!!!

4 Cool Coconut Jokes

Q. What is brown, hairy, and wears sunglasses?

A. A coconut on vacation

Q. Where do intergalactic coconuts grab a drink?

A. At the “Milky Way”

Q. What do you call people who like to drink hot chocolate all year long?

A. Cocoa-Nuts.

Q.What did one coconut say to the other?

A. Got milk?

Q. Why did the coconut stop in the middle of the road?

A. Because he ran out of juice!

Cool Coconut Pictures

Thanks for reading!! Come back next time to read Amazing Apricots!!!!!!!!

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