Murky Mushrooms….

I don’t like mushrooms. That is all.

1 Mushroom Fact

  • France was the first country to cultivate mushrooms!!!!

Mushroom Jokes

Q: Why did the Fungi leave the party?

A: There wasn’t mushroom.

Q: Why did the Mushroom get invited to all the parties?

A: ‘Cuz he’s a fungi!

Q: Why do Toadstools grow so close together?

A: They don’t need Mushroom.

Q: What would a mushroom car say?

A: Sh-room sh-room!

Q: Which vegetable goes best with jacket potatoes?

A: Button Mushrooms

Q: What room has no doors, no walls, no floor and no ceiling?

A: A mushroom.

Q: What room can be eaten?

A: A mushroom!

Q: What’s an airplanes favorite mushroom?

A: Air-portabela.

Q: Why did Mrs. Mushroom go out with Mr. Mushroom?

A: Because he is a fungi (fun guy)!


Thanks for reading this post, sorry it was so short!!!

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